Monday, August 24, 2009


Man, eggs are just one of those foods. Like, they're so versatile, and yet they can stand tall on their own. Eggs are everywhere, and almost like cheese, they make everything better. Everything from cake to rice is improved by the inclusion of this culinary enigma.

And yet cooking eggs on their own is one of the most daunting tasks I've encountered in my cooking endeavors.

First, we have scrambled eggs. Those are pitifully easy to cook. Babies could make scrambled eggs while still in the womb. It's a simple affair of beating eggs--a fairly messy but simple task--and frying them until they're big, solid, fluffy pillows of cholesterol. But much like a sandwich, just because it's simple doesn't mean it tastes the part. The light and fluffy texture melts on the tongue and soon disappears along with a mild, smooth taste. Scrambled eggs form one of the high pillars of my childhood sustinence (along with hot dogs and corn-on-the-cob).

Then a simple enhancement upon that classic is the omelet, which I won't even approach in my full interest because I have homework to do. But to sum it up, omelets are like a canvas for exploration, creativity, reflection, and--unfortunately--disaster. You see, the blank eggs presented to you are like life. And you have to fill them up with all sorts of things--all of which amount to your choice. You slowly watch your life go by, through the good--like sizzling ham or onions in the pan--and of course the bad--maybe a funny looking piece of pepper or mushrooms (I'm not fond of mushrooms)--but either way, the contents are all minor things when the time comes to put the cheese on and then a seemingly minor moment occurs: the folding. Of course, this seemingly meaningless event is a metaphor for life. You have just once real chance to pull this off, and anything can happen. Ideally, the fold occurs in the middle of the circular scrambled egg matter, but sometimes an asymmetrical miscalculation can lead to a hellish nonsense for breakfast. Or even worse, the eggs might still be a bit too liquid and rupture at the middle. There's no turning back there, you might as well drop your standards and enjoy your eggy mess, like a once hopeful art major dropping out of college. But the best people will have an omelet fit for a king, perhaps not perfect, a little bit burnt on the edges, but you made it buddy. And to bring this metaphor with life and life itself full circle, perhaps a breakfast gone correctly--or awry--can affect a day, and perhaps a day can affect your life. Maybe that omelet 'turn' will lead to the same 'turn' in your life and you have no way of seeing it coming.

But I digress, the traditional fried egg is where I find my way of expertise. Despite being a painfully simple dish, there are so many functions and methods for making it. Now, for my tastes, a very liquid yolk is a no-go. On sandwiches it leads to soaked hands, clothes, and bread. A very bad business. And if you ask me, the soupy yolk tastes a bit bloody. And when it's overcooked, the yolk is a dry, mineralesque nonsense that really isn't that good, although a slightly overcooked egg works fine on a sandwich. And worst of all, the egg turns into rubber.

I've spent many a morning trying to make the perfect standalone fried egg. Often I would simply cook it in a hollowed out piece of bread, called a toad-hole or something similar. While it's quite a tasty getup, it never truly reaches the level of beauty I've imagined. Once I recall trying to use water to fry a covered egg, but it was disgusting; I ended up with a partially poached panfull of piss. Other times I've come closer, but upon the crucial turning of the eggs the yolk would splatter and overcook.

But that was not the case this morning. I planned to make toad-holes, but after a misunderstanding with the countertop beast toaster I was left with charcoal bread. I decided I would risk it. I cracked the egg in the incredibly greasy pan and watched as the egg sizzled and bubbled--normally a bad sign but it did not present a problem upon this occasion. After throwing away the corresponding shell, I watched as the egg fry in the low heat of my tried-and-true pan. After a dose of Lawry's Seasoned Salt (later to be found to be a bit too much, but I wasn't completely concerned), the moment of truth came. I slid my turner under the egg and flipped it. With anticipation for the sight of yolk running loose, I looked and saw none, my eyes lighting up like the embers of warmth cooking this wonderous egg. I was running down victory road as I allowed the top cook before placing it upon my plate with some otherwise non-notable scrapple.

But now I was scared; probability was not on my side. It was time to try and repeat this dazzling feat. So I thorougly lubed up my pan and cracked my egg in the pan and watched it cook until it came time to flip. Now this one was even less on my side. the yolk was directly in the middle, meaning that when I flipped it, the yolk would travel a longer distance and be in the air longer. It was very likely that it would have busted upon impact with the pan surface. But if it did, I wouldn't have made this blog post, now would I? The egg peacefully sizzled away as my heart was filled with breakfast mirth.

I took the plate away to my room and dug in, only to discover that this ordeal was even better than expected. The yolks were in the perfection peak of doneness. The exteriors were just behind the threshold of overdone, leading to a perfect goopy layer. Inside, the yolk was a gradient of decreasing solidity until I reached a gel-like core. the flavors of both the buttery, salty white and the rich, robust yolk danced within my mouth and brought me great bliss. The second egg was a bit better, albeit a tad bit less done--however still within the area of mindblowing. I sat back and reflected upon the beauty I just ate.

And note, through this long, raw, regurgitation of emotion I've only touched some of the wonders of nature's true culinary wonder. The incredible, edible, egg.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ha ha ha I haven't updated this in a long time

But I'm not gone, if anyone can read this. Well maybe I'm the only one reading this, but it sure feels nice to get my feelings out on paper. Although that sounds really girly and wimpy so I'm not going to let my emotions go again for a while. But whatever man, I guess I can start posting here again, on occasion.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Man do I feel emo right now

Yeah, seriously. Late at night and I can't sleep, because I slept all day today instead of going to Academic challenge, because I didn't feel good because of a lack of sleep that continues to plauge me. Probably because I spend so much time screwing around during the day, that I have to stay up late to get homework and stuff done. My mind is swimming with thoughts, as a result of not being tired, and I won't be too awake tomorrow. Thankfully it's only normal school. I might go and do some homework in a second. There's nothing else I'd be doing otherwise. I'm really scared that I'm headed for a crash. I don't even want to know how I'm doing in school. I've got some academic challenge work to do, I'll call my teachers tomorrow and get up to date there. Hopefully it will all get worked out. It seems everything else so far that I've been freaked about has turned out alright, so I think everything will be cool.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Almost over?

Yeah, there's not much left of summer. It seems as if it slipped under my nose. It's been kinda boring really. I'm just using this last week to finish up bales of homework. I know I'm a procrastinator, but I'm getting better. I really am. Only one book (I capture the Castle), 18 federalist Paper questions, 6 articles and summaries, and like 7 days of news left to go. Fortunately, my friend Eric may come over tomorrow. That means today I have to do some more work, so I can get caught up on the work I will miss when he's over.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

It appears as if nothing has changed

Hehe, this summer was pretty boring. While it isn't over yet, it's been pretty much like least years, and while it was cool at the time being, it's getting old now. Oh well, it's still not as boring as school. My summer homework is being procrastinated, but not as bad as I expected. I've read 1 and 1/2 books for summer reading, but I'll try to finish Catcher in the Rye by this weekend. As for the news stuff I'm doing that daily, and I have a few days to spare. The federalist Papers are pretty boring, but I'm managing, and the third assignment I haven't started yet. I think I'll start it on Monday.

I got that new Neil Young Album "Living with War," and it's a great album, everyone go buy it now. I give it a 10/10. Also, I got Mario Strikers Charged for my Wii. Great game, if you're into Mario. But still, it's a sports game. the wi-fi is a high point, though, and so I must say 9/10. Oh, after reading Fahrenheit 451 for Summer reading, I must say it's a great book but has its slow points. Now, for the big one. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out last month, and I must say was the best of the series, and one of the best books ever. It just pwned my face to such a large magnitude. It's better than you are. 132542/10. Go read it now.

Now playing: Neil Young - My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
via FoxyTunes

Friday, June 29, 2007

I had a feeling this would happen

It's been a while since I've last posted. It's just, I don't really want to make a blog post if it's going to only be like, one paragraph. So now I guess I'll make a post, being I have enough stuff to post. So, School ended about two weeks ago, which is really nice. We went on our Six Flags trip, which was awesome. I got to ride all of their roller coasters,except two: the really wimpy white one, and Two-face, as it was being worked on. Well, now I've pretty much been on the computer for the rest of the break. It's going to be a lot like last summer. Additionally, I got a new guitar. It's a Japanese strat copy with a Fender neck and EMG pickups. Yeah, it's nice. In fact, later today, I get to play her at this party where my dad will be drumming and ol' Neil is playing lead. Neil's my dad's friend, he and my grandfather were great friends before my grandfather died.

Anyway, I've got quite a bit of summer homework. I'm not sure if I addressed the Social Studies assignment in the last post, but it's not all that bad. Just some news watching and questions. As for summer Reading, I've got to read three books and take notes on them. Of course, I want to read them all. So, here's the list of them:
  1. Fahrenheit 451 - by Ray Bradbury

  2. The Chosen - by Chaim Potok

  3. Life of Pi - by Yann Martel

  4. A Raisin in the Sun - by Lorraine Hansberry

  5. I Capture the Castle - by Dodie Smith

  6. Catcher in the Rye - by J.D. Salinger

I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 now, and I'll probably read Catcher in the Rye--my favorite book and I Capture the Castle.

So in other news, my Dad finally found a boat to buy. We've been out on it a few times, and it's really pretty awesome. I even tried knee boarding. Unfortunately, my upper-body strength isn't good enough to lift my immense weight up on the actual board. Oh well, riding on my belly is fun too. And trust me, it's pretty tough to even do that. I'm sick of being sick of my weight and saying I'll do something about it. Every time I convince myself I'll lose weight and stuff, but I never do. I seriously need to start it soon, though. I remember a few months back I was doing well at going out to jog every day. Oh well, this week, I think I'll do it.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Posted from School

Yeah, I'm in study hall and I'm really really bored. Really. I almost fell asleep on the computer. Haha these kids are coming in and getting their very large summer assignments for Honors English next year. I'll be getting mine for Academic Challenge very soon. Of course, it'll probably be just summer reading. Some of these poor kids have summer assignments for English and math. Poor kids. Then again, it isn't really all that bad.

Today, right now, is the end of the second to last day. Finally. It sure feels nice to see the year go down. Man have I changed over this year. Then again, I change over every year. Summers are times that I change a lot. Seriously, before last summer I was quite different, in my tastes, thoughts, and actions. Let's just see how this summer changes me. Maybe I'll change a lot, maybe I'll change a little. Who knows?

Tonight's the Eight Grade party; I'll go to it since a lot of my friends will be there. I really do hope it doesn't suck. Man I'm gonna miss this school. I still remember how scared I was to walk into these doors and how I missed the Elementary school. I still remember how much this building scared me. Now, it's old hallways and classrooms form a second home for me. Really, I'm gonna miss it when I leave. And I imagine it'll be the same way when I get ready to leave the high school. Wow, I'm already thinking of graduation. I wish I were a little kid again. It was just so nice. Now there's all this responsibility and care that I hace to deal with. It feels nice sometimes, but other times I long for a time when I was carefree and life was fun and new. And sadly, I know it'll only get worse.

Happily, I know It'll never get too rough. I'm sure that even though I'll be attacked by life in a few years, they won't be able to take art and music away from me. As long as I still have them, I'll be happy. And then, if I work hard enough over the next few decades, I'll have a nice retirement waiting for me. I'll be able to spend my old days in a nice house with my family and the things I love. Man, will it be nice. And I promise not to be any of those old people that can't seem to like anything anymore, when I get old and retire, I'll think back top these times as the best years of my life, but I'll also remember my longing for the time I would be in. I would know that the younger me--the one from the best time of my life--would want me to enjoy my older years. Then, I'll die when my body quits working properly. I know it's inevitable, and I accept it.